Frame System
— TypeFrameSystem{O, T, S}
A FrameSystem
instance manages a collection of user-defined FramePointNode
, FrameAxesNode
and DirectionDefinition
objects, enabling computation of arbitrary transformations between them. It is created by specifying the maximum transformation order O
, the outputs datatype T
and an AbstractTimeScale
instance S
The following transformation orders are accepted:
- 1: position
- 2: position and velocity
- 3: position, velocity and acceleration
- 4: position, velocity, acceleration and jerk
FrameSystem{O, T, S}()
Create a new, empty FrameSystem
object of order O
, datatype T
and timescale S
. The parameter S
can be dropped, in case the default (BarycentricDynamicalTime
) is used.
— Functionorder(t::Translation{O}) where O
Return the translation order O.
order(R::Rotation{O}) where O
Return the rotation order O.
order(frames::FrameSystem{O}) where O
Return the frame system order O
— Functiontimescale(frames::FrameSystem{O, T, S}) where {O, T, S}
Return the frame system order timescale S
— Functionhas_point(frames::FrameSystem, id)
Check if id
point is within frames
— Functionpoints_graph(frames::FrameSystem)
Return the frame system points graph.
— Functionpoints_alias(f::FrameSystem)
Return the registered points aliases map.
— Functionhas_axes(frames::FrameSystem, ax)
Check if ax
axes is within frames
— Functionaxes_graph(frames::FrameSystem)
Return the frame system axes graph.
— Functionaxes_alias(f::FrameSystem)
Return the registered axes aliases map.
— Functionhas_axes(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol)
Check if name
direction is within frames
— Functiondirections(f::FrameSystem)
Return the direction dictionary.
— TypeRotation{O, N}
A container to efficiently compute O
-th order rotation matrices of type N
between two set of axes. It stores the Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) and its time derivatives up to the (O
-1)-th order. Since this type is immutable, the data must be provided upon construction and cannot be mutated later.
The rotation of state vector between two set of axes is computed with an ad-hoc overload of the product operator. For example, a 3rd order Rotation object R
, constructed from the DCM A
and its time derivatives δA
and δ²A
rotates a vector v
= [p, v, a]
̂v = [A*p, δA*p + A*v, δ²A*p + 2δA*v + A*a]
A Rotation
object R
call always be converted to a SMatrix
or a MMatrix
by invoking the proper constructor.
julia> A = angle_to_dcm(π/3, :Z)
0.5 0.866025 0.0
-0.866025 0.5 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
julia> R = Rotation(A);
julia> SM = SMatrix(R)
3×3 SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with indices SOneTo(3)×SOneTo(3):
0.5 0.866025 0.0
-0.866025 0.5 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
julia> MM = MMatrix(R)
3×3 MMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with indices SOneTo(3)×SOneTo(3):
0.5 0.866025 0.0
-0.866025 0.5 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
Create a Rotation
object from a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) and any of its time derivatives. The rotation order is inferred from the number of inputs, while the rotation type is obtained by promoting the DCMs types.
julia> A = angle_to_dcm(π/3, :Z);
julia> δA = DCM(0.0I);
julia> δ²A = DCM(0.0I);
julia> R = Rotation(A, δA, δ²A);
julia> typeof(R)
Rotation{3, Float64}
julia> R2 = Rotation(A, B, C, DCM(0.0im*I));
julia> typeof(R2)
Rotation{4, ComplexF64}
Rotation{O}(dcms::DCM...) where O
Create a Rotation
object of order O
. If the number of dcms
is smaller than O
, the remaining slots are filled with null DCMs, otherwise if the number of inputs is greater than O
, only the first O
DCMs are used.
Usage of this constructor is not recommended as it may yield unexpected results to unexperienced users.
Rotation{O}(u::UniformScaling{N}) where {O, N}
Rotation{O, N}(u::UniformScaling) where {O, N}
Create an O
-order identity Rotation
object of type N
with identity position rotation and null time derivatives.
julia> Rotation{1}(1.0I)
Rotation{1, Float64}(([1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0],))
julia> Rotation{1, Int64}(I)
Rotation{1, Int64}(([1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1],))
Rotation{S1}(rot::Rotation{S2, N}) where {S1, S2, N}
Rotation{S1, N}(R::Rotation{S2}) where {S1, S2, N}
Transform a Rotation
object of order S2
to order S1
and type N
. The behaviour of these functions depends on the values of S1
and S2
: Only the firstS1
components ofrot
are considered.S1
: The missing orders are filled with null DCMs.
julia> A = angle_to_dcm(π/3, :Z);
julia> B = angle_to_dcm(π/4, π/6, :XY);
julia> R1 = Rotation(A, B);
julia> order(R1)
julia> R2 = Rotation{1}(R1);
julia> order(R2)
julia> R2[1] == A
julia> R3 = Rotation{3}(R1);
julia> R3[3]
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
Rotation(m::DCM{N}, ω::AbstractVector) where N
Create a 2nd order Rotation
object of type N
to rotate between two set of axes a
and b
from a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) and the angular velocity vector ω
of b
with respect to a
, expressed in b
— Functioninv(rot::Rotation)
Compute the invese of the rotation object rot
. The operation is efficiently performed by taking the transpose of each rotation matrix within rot
— TypeTranslation{O, N}
A container to efficiently compute O
-th order translation vectors of type N
between two points or a direction. It stores the translation vector and its time derivatives up to the (O
-1)-th order. Since this type is immutable, the data must be provided upon construction and cannot be mutated later.
Add constructors details.
See also
See also Rotation
— Functionvector3(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute 3-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the observing pointto
– ID or instance of the target pointaxes
– ID or instance of the output state vector axesep
of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
vector3(fr, from, to, axes, t::Number)
Compute 3-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t
expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functionvector6(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute 6-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the observing pointto
– ID or instance of the target pointaxes
– ID or instance of the output state vector axesep
of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
vector6(fr, from, to, axes, t::Number)
Compute 6-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t
expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functionvector9(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute 9-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the observing pointto
– ID or instance of the target pointaxes
– ID or instance of the output state vector axesep
of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
vector9(fr, from, to, axes, t::Number)
Compute 9-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t
expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functionvector12(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute 12-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the observing pointto
– ID or instance of the target pointaxes
– ID or instance of the output state vector axesep
of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
vector12(fr, from, to, axes, t::Number)
Compute 12-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t
expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functionrotation3(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 3-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the axes to transform fromto
– ID or instance of the axes to transform toep
of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
A Rotation
object of order 1.
rotation3(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 3-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t
, expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functionrotation6(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 6-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the axes to transform fromto
– ID or instance of the axes to transform toep
of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
A Rotation
object of order 2.
rotation6(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 6-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t
, expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functionrotation9(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 9-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the axes to transform fromto
– ID or instance of the axes to transform toep
of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
A Rotation
object of order 3.
rotation9(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 9-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t
, expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functionrotation12(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 12-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.
– TheFrameSystem
container objectfrom
– ID or instance of the axes to transform fromto
– ID or instance of the axes to transform toep
of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
A Rotation
object of order 4.
rotation12(fr::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)
Compute the rotation that transforms a 12-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t
, expressed in seconds since J2000
— Functiondirection3(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 3 at epoch ep
expressed in the axes
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.
direction3(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 3 at epoch t
, where t
is expressed in seconds since J2000
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.
— Functiondirection6(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 6 at epoch ep
expressed in the axes
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.
direction6(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 6 at epoch t
, where t
is expressed in seconds since J2000
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.
— Functiondirection9(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 9 at epoch ep
expressed in the axes
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.
direction9(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 9 at epoch t
, where t
is expressed in seconds since J2000
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.
— Functiondirection12(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 12 at epoch ep
expressed in the axes
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.
direction12(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)
Compute the direction vector name
of order 12 at epoch t
, where t
is expressed in seconds since J2000
Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.