Points Creation and Translations

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Similarly to axes, FrameTransformations also provides the capability to define custom and standard reference points (e.g., the Solar System Barycenter) and arbitrarily connect them through the FrameSystem. In turn, this allows the computation of the relative position and its derivatives (up to order 3) between any two registered points and express it in any known set of axes.

At the time being, the following types of points are supported:

  • Root point: it is the root of the point graph.
  • Fixed points: are those whose positions have a constant offset with respect their parent point in a given set of axes.
  • Dynamical points: the position of these points depends only on time and is computed through custom user-defined functions.
  • Ephemeris points: are those whose state-vector is retrieved from binary SPK kernels (e.g., DE440) that are loaded within the FrameSystem.

This package provides a dedicated function to register each type of supported points.

Graph Initialisation

In this section we will display how to create a frame system to compute generic points transformation. Differently from the axes graph, each register point is also associated to a set of axes. Hence, this tutorial assumes the reader to already be familiar with the different types of axes and their definitions.

We then can go ahead and initialise the graph.

using FrameTransformations

F = FrameSystem{2, Float64}()
FrameSystem{2, Float64, Tempo.BarycentricDynamicalTime, 6} with 0 points, 0 axes and 0 directions

Root Point

To initialise the point graph, we first need to define a root point. This, in turn, must be associated to an arbitrary set of axes. Therefore, we begin by definining a generic SatFrame, here considered as inertial, and then register a root point, called SC in our graph.

A root point can be registered using the add_point_root! function:

add_axes_root!(F, :SatFrame, -1)

add_point_root!(F, :SC, -10000, :SatFrame)

For standard applications, it is good practice that the points's IDs are as in agreement with NAIF's numbering system. This becomes mandatory to properly read JPL's SPK kernels.


The frame system uses an integer system based on the user-defined IDs to compute the transformations between axes and points. The name and acronym of the point are only used as aliases to provide a user-friendly interface to the transformations and do not have any other meaning.

Fixed Points

Fixed points have a constant relative position vector with respect to their parent points in a given set of axes. Similarly to fixed-offset axes, these points are fixed w.r.t. their parents but might be moving with respect to others.

In this example, we use the add_point_fixedoffset! function to register the location of an antenna and two solar panels, which are generally fixed in the satellite body-fixed frame. To do so, we define a position offset in the form of a 3-elements vector with respect to the SC.

sa_offset_left = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
sa_offset_right = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
an_offset = [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]

add_point_fixedoffset!(F, :SolArrLeft, -10101, :SC, :SatFrame, sa_offset_left)
add_point_fixedoffset!(F, :SolArrRight, -10102, :SC, :SatFrame, sa_offset_right)
add_point_fixedoffset!(F, :Antenna, -10001, :SC, :SatFrame, an_offset)

As a result the graph is now populated with the new points and we can finally compute their relative positions and velocities with the proper transformation functions:

vector3(F, :SolArrLeft, :SC, :SatFrame, 123.0)
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):
vector6(F, :Antenna, :SolArrRight, :SatFrame, 456.0)
6-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{6, Float64} with indices SOneTo(6):

As expected, since these points are fixed, the relative velocity vector is null.

Dynamical Points

Dynamical points are generic time-dependent points whose position vector (and optionally its derivatives) are only function of time. However, differently from ephemeris points, their position is computed through user-defined functions.

fun(t) = [cos(t), sin(t), 0]

add_point_dynamical!(F, :TimedAppendage, -10003, :SolArrLeft, :SatFrame, fun)
vector6(F, :TimedAppendage, :SC, :SatFrame, π/3)
6-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{6, Float64} with indices SOneTo(6):

To avoid allocations, fun should return a static array.

Similarly to rotating-axes, if the user only provides the function to compute the relative position, the remaining derivatives are automatically retrievied via automatic differentiation of fun. On the other hand, if those functions are specified, they must return a single vector that stacks all the components. For instance, for the first order derivative of fun, the function should return a 6-elements vector containing the relative position and velocity. For example:

fun(t) = [cos(t), sin(t), 0]
dfun(t) = [cos(t), sin(t), 0, -sin(t), cos(t), 0]

add_point_dynamical!(F, :TimedAppendage2, -10004, :SolArrLeft, :SatFrame, fun, dfun)
vector6(F, :TimedAppendage2, :SC, :SatFrame, π/3)
6-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{6, Float64} with indices SOneTo(6):

We can again see that the results are in agreement with the previous example. For more details, consult the add_point_dynamical! documentation.

Ephemeris Points

Refer to the frames tutorial's Ephemeris Support section.

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