
This example was generated on 2024-09-13T11:01:44.275.

To compute relative orientations, FrameTransformations provides the capability to define custom and standard reference axes (e.g., the ITRF) and arbitrarily connect them through the FrameSystem In turn, this allows the computation of the relative orientation and its derivatives (up to order 3) between any two registered axes.

At the time being, the following types of axes are supported:

  • Inertial axes: these are the only ones which can be used as root axes to initialise the axes graph.
  • Fixed offset axes: they have a constant orientation with respect to their parent axes.
  • Rotating axes: the orientation of these axes depends only on time and is computed t through the custom functions provided by the user.
  • Ephemeris axes: these are constructed by extracting the Euler rotation angles and their derivatives from the binary PCK kernels that are loaded within the FrameSystem.

This package provides a dedicated function to register each type of supported axes. Additionally, higher-level functions to automatically register standard astronomical reference axes are also provided, e.g., add_axes_ecl2000!.

Graph Initialisation

In this section we will display how to create a frame system to compute generic axes rotation. First of all, we need to load both this package and an ephemeris reader. The latter will be used to compute the orientation of the Moon's Principal Axes (PA) 440, whose Euler angles are defined in binary PCK kernels and to retrieve the positions of the planets. In this example, Ephemerides.jl package and download the kernels from NAIF's website.

using FrameTransformations
using Ephemerides

url_pck = "";
url_spk = "";

const EPH = EphemerisProvider([download(url_spk), download(url_pck)])
const F = FrameSystem{3, Float64}()
FrameSystem{3, Float64, Tempo.BarycentricDynamicalTime, 9} with 0 points, 0 axes and 0 directions

To initialise the axes graph, a set of root axes must be initially registered. These will serve as the uppermost node of the graph and have no parents, meaning their orientation is not specified. Only inertial axes can be used as root axes of the FrameSystem.

In this example, we will use the ICRF as our base root inertial axes.

add_axes_root!(F, :ICRF, AXESID_ICRF)

Once a set of root axes has been registered, any other type of axes can be added to the system.


For standard applications, it is good practice that the axes's IDs are as in agreement with NAIF's numbering system. A list of IDs for the most common axes is provided in this package.


The frame system uses an integer system based on the user-defined IDs to compute the transformations between axes and points.

Inertial axes are those that are fixed with respect to the star background. They are the only ones that can be used as root axes in the frame system but can also be defined through a relative orientation with respect to another set of inertial axis.

Inertial Axes

In this example, we register the GCRF as a set of inertial axes with respect to the ICRF. We assume that the two frames are equivalent, thus:

using ReferenceFrameRotations
using LinearAlgebra

fun(t) = DCM(1.0I)
add_axes_inertial!(F, :GCRF, AXESID_GCRF, AXESID_ICRF, fun)

R = rotation6(F, AXESID_ICRF, AXESID_GCRF, 1.0)
Rotation{2, Float64}(([1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0], [0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
 1.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  1.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  1.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0

Since it is an inertial frame, the time derivative of the rotation is null.

Fixed-offset Axes

Fixed-offset axes have a constant orientation with respect to their parent axes in time. We previously saw that inertial axes can also be used to define axes with a fixed orientation with respect to their parents. However, while inertial axes do not rotate with respect to the star background, fixed offset axes are only constant with respect to their parent axes, but might be rotating with respect to some other inertial axes.

In this example, we register FOX as a set of axes with a fixed rotation of π/4 around the Z-axis with respect to the ICRF.

rot = angle_to_dcm(π/4, :Z)

add_axes_fixedoffset!(F, :FOX, 2, AXESID_ICRF, rot)

The state rotation matrix can then be obtained as:

R = rotation6(F, 1, 2, 86400)
Rotation{2, Float64}(([0.7071067811865476 0.7071067811865475 0.0; -0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865476 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0], [0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
  0.707107  0.707107  0.0
 -0.707107  0.707107  0.0
  0.0       0.0       1.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0

Since FOX has a constant orientation with respect to the ICRF, the time derivative of the rotation matrix R[2] is, in fact, null. For further information see the add_axes_fixedoffset! documentation.

Rotating Axes

Rotating axes are generic, time-dependant, non-inertial axes. In order to register this kind of axes, a function (and optionally its derivatives) that expresses the relative orientation of this axes must be defined. This function shall return a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM), available from ReferenceFrameRotations.jl.

fun(t) = angle_to_dcm(-t, :Z)

add_axes_rotating!(F, :ROX, 3, AXESID_ICRF, fun)

If we now compute the orientation between the FOX and ROX at π/4 we obtain an identity rotation, since the orientation of ROX is directed in the opposite direction of FOX.

R = rotation6(F, 2, 3, π/4)
Rotation{2, Float64}(([2.220446049250313e-16 -1.0 0.0; 1.0 2.220446049250313e-16 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0], [-1.0 -2.220446049250313e-16 0.0; 2.220446049250313e-16 -1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
 2.22045e-16  -1.0          0.0
 1.0           2.22045e-16  0.0
 0.0           0.0          1.0

Notice that, although we only provided a function that expresses the relative orientation, the frame system has automatically computed its time-derivative via Automatic Differentiation (AD) of fun.

R2 = rotation6(F, 1, 3, π/4)
Rotation{2, Float64}(([0.7071067811865476 -0.7071067811865475 0.0; 0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865476 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0], [-0.7071067811865475 -0.7071067811865476 0.0; 0.7071067811865476 -0.7071067811865475 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
 -0.707107  -0.707107  0.0
  0.707107  -0.707107  0.0
  0.0        0.0       0.0

This becomes particularly useful for rapid prototyping or when the manual differentiation requires a lot of time. The functions for higher-order derivatives, must return the original DCM and its derivatives up to their orders. For example:

using JSMDUtils.Math

fun(t) = angle_to_dcm(-t, :Z)
dfun(t) = (angle_to_dcm(-t, :Z), Math.angle_to_δdcm([-t, -1], :Z))

add_axes_rotating!(F, :ROX2, 4, AXESID_ICRF, fun, dfun)

R2 = rotation6(F, 1, 3, π/4)
Rotation{2, Float64}(([0.7071067811865476 -0.7071067811865475 0.0; 0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865476 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0], [-0.7071067811865475 -0.7071067811865476 0.0; 0.7071067811865476 -0.7071067811865475 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
 -0.707107  -0.707107  0.0
  0.707107  -0.707107  0.0
  0.0        0.0       0.0

We can see the results are in agreement with the previous example. For more details, see add_axes_rotating! documentation.

Ephemeris Axes

Ephemeris axes a are a type of time-dependent axes which are build by means of Euler angles contained within a binary PCK ephemeris kernel. For example, in practice these are used to express the orientation of high-accuracy Lunar body-fixed frames (i.e., the Principal Axes) or the Earth's ITRF.


To properly compute the orientation of these axes, the ephemeris provider used must contain the necessary PCK kernels. Additionally, in this case the ID of the registered axes must match the ID contained in the PCK kernels.

In this example, the ephemeris provider EPH has loaded the DE421 PCK kernel containing the orientation of the Moon's Principal Axes (PA421). NAIF's system has assigned to such set of axes the ID 31006. If a different ID was assigned to the MoonPA, the function would have thrown an error.

The function also requires the user to specify the rotation sequence to convert the Euler angles to a proper rotation matrix.

add_axes_ephemeris!(F, EPH, :MOONPA, 31006, :ZXZ)

R = rotation6(F, 1, 31006, 86400.0)
Rotation{2, Float64}(([0.6219855961037569 0.7077415949385507 0.33501604891898906; -0.7827096425059984 0.5741656785808802 0.24020697131409327; -0.022350252069861617 -0.4116255681242284 0.911078952615425], [-2.0835792981059603e-6 1.5281546248856286e-6 6.400222345301864e-7; -1.6557195262995373e-6 -1.8840097087356063e-6 -8.917889621565607e-7; -3.880601321351557e-10 -4.740262874274574e-10 -2.236848750095691e-10]))
  0.621986    0.707742  0.335016
 -0.78271     0.574166  0.240207
 -0.0223503  -0.411626  0.911079
 -2.08358e-6   1.52815e-6    6.40022e-7
 -1.65572e-6  -1.88401e-6   -8.91789e-7
 -3.8806e-10  -4.74026e-10  -2.23685e-10

For further information see the add_axes_ephemeris! documentation.

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