Frame System Overview

This example was generated on 2024-09-13T11:01:44.133.

The core object of FrameTransformations is the FrameSystem, which provides the capability to compute relative position, orientation and their time derivatives up to order 3 (jerk), between standard and user-defined point and axes. It works by creating two separate graphs that silently store and manage all the parent-child relationships between the user-registered axes and points, in the form of FramePointNode and FrameAxesNode.

These two objects define two precise entities:

  • Axes: defines an orientation in space. These are related each other by means of a Rotation transformation which relate one axes to a parent axes in a certain time interval.
  • Points: defines a location in space. These are related each other by means of a Translation transformation which relate one point to a parent point in a particular axes in a certain time interval.

Additionally, it is possible to create Directions, as vector valued functions that could be used to define custom frames.


A single FrameSystem instance simultaneously handles both the axes and point graphs, regardless of what the user registers in it. For instance, if no points are added, the point graph will remain empty. The same applies for directions.

Additionally, any node can have several childs, each with different transformations with respect to the parent node. However, they shall be registered within the FrameSystem before being used in a transformation or as parents of other nodes.

Basic Constructors

The creation of a generic FrameSystem requires the definition of the maximum desired transformation order and of its DataType, which in most applications is a Float64. The transformation order is always one greater than the maximum desired time derivative. For instance, if the user only desires to compute position and velocity components (i.e., order 1 time-derivative), the transformation order to be used is 2. Thus, the maximum allowed transformation order is 4.

In this example, we highlight the most basic way to initialise a FrameSystem:

using FrameTransformations
using Tempo

F = FrameSystem{2, Float64}()
FrameSystem{2, Float64, Tempo.BarycentricDynamicalTime, 6} with 0 points, 0 axes and 0 directions

From this example, you can see that within the frame system there are both point and axes graphs. However, at the moment they are completely empty since the graph was just created.

Each FrameSystem object is assigned a reference timescale that is used to perform computations with epochs and to parse ephemeris files. The default timescale is the BarycentricDynamicalTime, however, the user is free to select the most suited timescale for his applications. In this example, we set the InternationalAtomicTime as the reference scale.

F = FrameSystem{2, Float64, InternationalAtomicTime}()
FrameSystem{2, Float64, Tempo.InternationalAtomicTime, 6} with 0 points, 0 axes and 0 directions

Graph Inspection

Once a FrameSystem is constructed (and populated) there are many routines devoted to inspect its content. As already said, there are three main objects that are contained in the FrameSystem: points, axes and directions. For each of them series of utility functions are made available in order to check for the presence of a registered point:

has_point(F, 1)

a registered axes:

has_axes(F, 1)

or a registered direction:

has_direction(F, :Root)

Additionally, the possibility to get a dictionary containing all name-id relationships is made available for axes, via the axes method:

Dict{Symbol, Int64}()

and points, via the points method:

Dict{Symbol, Int64}()

Finally, the FrameSystem order and timescale might be retrieved via the associated methods:


Refer to the API for additional details.

Basic Usage


Work in progress

Ephemerides Support

In certain scenarios, the transformations require usage of binary ephemeris kernels, e.g., the JPL's DE440 files. To support this applications, this package has an interface relying on JSMDInterfaces.jl AbstractEphemerisProviders. Currently, this package is shipped with extension for the following two ephemeris readers:

Once the desired ephemeris provider is created, it can be used to register points or axes. In this example we begin loading an old DE421 kernels to pass to the ephemeris reader.

using Ephemerides, Downloads

url = "";
E = EphemerisProvider(;

F = FrameSystem{2, Float64}()
FrameSystem{2, Float64, Tempo.BarycentricDynamicalTime, 6} with 0 points, 0 axes and 0 directions

Before registering any node, a set of root axes and a root node shall be anyway registered.

add_point_root!(F, :SSB, 0, 1)

Points from the EphemerisProvider can be now registered.

add_point_ephemeris!(F, E, :Sun, 10)
add_point_ephemeris!(F, E, :EMB, 3)

Here the parent point will be inferred from the ephemeris.

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